fruit compote
Compotes are an amazing addition to any recipe book. They are versatile and can be used on almost anything. Whether sweet or savory, you can try on ice cream, yogurt, a little spoonful on GF toast in the morning or paired with meats like chicken or pork tenderloin.
I chose cherries because of their incredible health benefits and because last summer my family picked 33 pounds and froze them to use like this all year round. Cherries are rich in antioxidants, cancer preventing compounds, vitamin C and fiber. They help to reduce inflammation and in turn can help to relieve pain in those with arthritis. Drinking tart cherry juice twice a day can significantly reduce inflammatory markers with people who have such conditions and is touted as being the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food! Picking cherries is a labor of love, when you are finished picking , your job is definitely not over. Hours of pitting is in your future. It is definitely worth the effort.
If cherries aren't your thing, try blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. These berries are easily accessible all year round and buying frozen is a good idea for this appication. They do the work for you and you get to enjoy all of the benefits. This is a treat I keep in the fridge all of the time and I have even been known to grab a spoonful when I am looking to fight my seet tooth.
I added maple syrup to the recipe, but most times, the berries don’t need the added sweetness. You can wait until the end and taste to see. I can’t think of anything that a fruit compote wouldn’t make more delicious!
1 pound frozen cherries, blueberries, mixed berries or favorite fruit of choice
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
Juice half a lemon
2-3 Tbs. water
Place frozen fruit in medium sauce pan on low heat
Squeese lemon juice and add water, stir frequently
Cook down for 35-45 minutes until fruit thickens (it will become thicker as it cools)
Add sweetener if desired
Store in glass container or Ball jar in refrigerator for up to a week
Summer cherry picking pays off all year long!!!!